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AE Face Tools

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Do you often mount face footages in After Effects or Premiere Pro?!
Add features of Face Applications without smartphones and neuronets!
AE Face Tools – is a package of presets, that will expand considerably the features of standard face tracking from After Effects. Check out this overview to find out more: Watch on YouTube.

Tools and Presets for face footages inside After Effects

Face Tools library includes hundreds of ready-to-use presets
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One click to add a Preset

How it works?
Detect a face with a mask and make face tracking (it is a standard option in After Effects). Then, in the Motion Bro panel, choose any preset and add it in one click. That is all. Check out this overview to find out more: Watch on YouTube.
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Easy Customization

No prerenders! All the presets are customizable and you can edit them at any moment
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Lifetime Free Updates

The more demand our product will be, the more often we will release updates, which, by the way, are always available for free
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Face Replacements Tools

You can replace the face using a common photo of another person.
Check out this video tutorial
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Makeup Tools

Category Makeup includes several presets that will help to put on any texture, video or correcting effect on the face. For example, you can make the face older adding the face of an old man as a texture.
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Makeup Composite

Combine several different effects on one face.
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Eyes Tools

Replace eyes with dozens of pre-made presets or create your own eye preset
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Cleanup Tools

Brush out skin defects – such as pimples and pigmented spots
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Distortion Tools

In a few clicks add distorting effects for changing the face beyond recognition
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Transform Tools

Re-transform your face! You can rotate, scale and offset any of the face part
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Stabilization Tools

Stabilize your video by face in order to make it more expressive
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Reverese Stabilization Tools

You can use reverse stabilization to fix any distorting effect on the face
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Adjustment Mask Tools

Adjustments Mask is a set of the presets for masking parts of the face. For example, you can change the colour of eyes and lips
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  • Over 500 tools and presets for Face Footages
  • Supported any resolution (we tested to 4K)
  • Supported any aspect ratio regardless of orientation – portrait or landscape
  • Convenient use with Motion Bro extension
  • Ability to use in Premiere Pro (via the Dynamic Link). Tutorial
  • Music used in Promo (not included): Action Energetic Rock Sport Fashion
  • Footages used in Promo are not included in the project

Technical Requirements

  • For tools that use Track Points, individual parts of the face (eyes, nose, mouth) and face replacement – After Effects version no lower than CC 2018 is required
  • For tools from the Makeup category – After Effects version no lower than CC 2019 is required
  • Requires latest version of the Motion Bro extension (for free): https://motionbro.net/updates 
Also, before buying, we recommend that you watch this How-to-Use video to understand how it works and what face footages are suitable for tracking.


Update 2.0 (2020-06-05) 
+ Many bugs and flaws fixed
+ Corrected autoresize
+ New preset categories added: Eyes, Makeup Composite, Distrorion Glitch, Distortion Caricature
Update 1.2.1 (2020-05-29) - Several bugs fixed
Update 1.2 (2020-05-05) - All text buttons replaced with thumbnails
Update 1.1 (2020-04-24)
+ Added compatibility with Motion Bro V3 extension
+ Fixed expression errors in presets from the category 'Starter Pack > Glasses > Combined'

⇨Click here for Details & GET/BUY It.

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